Aberdeenshire Council Easing Lockdown Community Support - Halls Webinar
Easing Lockdown Community Support
Thursday, 13th May, 4pm - 5.30pm
Aberdeenshire Council invite all community reps to this easing lockdown support webinar.
The agenda for the webinar is:
Flick Millar, Infrastructure Services, Welcome
Fraser Stephen, Trading Standards, Covid-19 Guidance for Community Sector
Kathryn Clarke, Senior Environmental Health Officer, Opening up Halls
Tim Stephen, Service Manager – Facilities and Funding, Community Facilities guidance
Question and Answer Session
You will have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers and ask your questions through the online chat . You can even submit a question in advance on the registration form so we can cover it in the session.
Registration is free of charge via Eventbrite on this link: The Community Managed Facilities and Village Halls Webinar Tickets, Thu 13 May 2021 at 16:00 | Eventbrite
In advance of the webinar, you may find it useful to review ACRE’s ‘Re-opening Village and Community Halls’ information sheet, but to bear in mind the dates relate to England not Scotland.